Our Ministries

Remington Food Pantry
The pantry is supported by the Remington Ministerial Association comprised of our local churches, Each church provides volunteers on a monthly basis for the pantry's operating hours.
The Remington Food Pantry is now located at 1 N. Ohio Street, Remington. (formerly the Senior Center) Families receive foods based on their family size, including vouchers for bread, milk and eggs at the local grocery store.
Food Pantry Hours:
Every Thursday from 10:00-11:30 am & 5:30-7:00 pm
Jasper County Recovery House
Remington United Methodist Church chose Jasper County Recovery House to be one of the missions they support with their funds and their time.

Cub Scouts & BSA Scouts
Tri-County Cub Scouts meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. If you have a child interested in scouting k-5th grade please contact Brandi Froehling.
BSA Scouts have a linked boys and girls troop that meet the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday of the month. Please contact Tania & Bill Northup for additional information.
Girl Scouts
The Girl Scouts of Remington meet at our church on Tuesdays bi-weekly. For more information please contact Tania Northup.

Shoebox Ministry
Prayer Shawls
Women from our church get together weekly to knit or crochet shawls for people in our community who are going through tough times. Before they are given out each one is prayed over for the specific needs of the individual who will be receiving it. Check back here for dates when they will be meeting in person again.